Blogs in the category : Patriarchy

Supporting Women

Fortunately, though politics are complicated, the strategy for solving sex-based oppression is simple: men need to listen to women and girls because they are the ones enduring sex-based torments,  then men need to break the patriarchal pact by confronting misogyny in themselves and others. Unsurprisingly, the best method for devising tactics to implement this strategy is also straightforward: men can follow the lead of radical feminists who have paved the way and proven themselves to be the only group dedicated to eradicating sex-based oppression.

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My goal is to convince men to ally with radical feminists. Because I'm a man however, I'm often asked: why radical feminism?

If we accept the goal of politics to be helping others, as I do, then we must ask: who needs the most help? The world is a horrible place, and tosses up horrors ranging from homelessness and poverty to war. When investigating these horrors we find one large group that stands alone, while simultaneously spanning most other oppressed groups: females.

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